ScoutWatch - Scouting Unit Management Wiki


Troop 166 Outings for 2019:

We Plan at Least One Overnight Outing Every Month

Our Outdoor Committee meets at the end of every school year to map out the outings for the following year.
This schedule is then approved by our Scouts (the Patrol Leaders Council) in general form.
Each outing has an adult sponsor to handle planning, reservations, scout registration and a driver list.

As a rule we like to not repeat an outing for at least 7 years, so the Scouts are always going new places.
We have certain outings that are perennial: District Camporee, Summer Camp (Camp Parsons), Service Project (Camp Parsons)

2 0 1 9 - O U T I N G S
Jan 12-13HulabalooKanaskat State Park
FebruarySnowed Out 
Mar 2-3Snow-CampingTrollhaugen Lodge
Apr 27-28Camporee Skills PrepDash Point Park
May 17-19Camporee - Hosting Canadian TroopCamp Pigot
June 15-16River RaftingWenatchee - Confluence State Park
June 18Annual Outdoor Planning MeetingHemmen's Residence
July 7-13Scout CampCamp Parsons
July 27-293-day HikeBean Creek
Aug 3-4New Scout OutingPioneer Post (Dabob Bay)
Aug 18-2450 MilerStehekin
Sep 21-22BackpackingTeanaway
Oct 19-20Flying Horseshoe RanchCle Elum
Nov 9-11Cape Alava/Sandy PointLake Ozette - Olympic Peninsula
Dec 7-8Service ProjectCamp Parsons
2 0 2 0 - O U T I N G S
Jan 11-12Urban TourVancouver, BC

Page last modified on November 06, 2019, at 11:59 PM