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Troop 166 & Troop066

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Troop 166 Lore:

Documents of Things We Do Specially at Troop 166:


We have a Troop 166 song which is sung with all members in a circle, arms crossed left-over-right, hands-joined. This is usually sung at the end of a meeting. There are some other traditional scout songs that also might be used such as Scout Vespers.

Troop 166 Song:   Raise The Banner High
Scout Vespers:      Vespers

Troop 166 SongBook:   Troop 166 - Official Song Book

Courts of Honor & the "Scout" Rank:

Rank advancement and achievements are an important part of the Scouting experience.
We hold a Court of Honor every 4 months to award advancements and achievements to Scouts who have earned them. For most ranks the scout is called up to be given the patch and other tokens that go with the award, however, the first earned rank, "Scout" is honored with a very special ceremony. The scout is brought before the Troop and presented. An honor guard of 12 scouts each lights a candle representing one word of the Scout-Law, a speaker describes what that word means to a scout. The Candidate is then invited to light a candle, thus adding their own light and joining the Fellowship of scouting.

Troop 166 Scout Ceremony : Scout Induction Ceremony

Patrol Council Meetings Procedures:

(A version of Robert's Rules of Order)

Scouts_Rules_of_Order.pdf - Parliamentary Procedures for Scouts

Page last modified on October 15, 2021, at 10:38 PM