ScoutWatch - Scouting Unit Management Wiki


BSA Scouts

Troop 166 & Troop 066

Boys & Girls

Wedgewood - Aurora District

Chief Seattle Council

Now Recruiting Young Women age 11-17

Troop 066 - Blue Dragon Patrol

Click Here

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Welcome to the ScoutWatch Wiki for

Troop 066 & Troop 166 - Wedgwood

Seattle, Washington USA

This wiki is intended to help make information sharing easier and more uniform for our BSA Scout Troop; we are hoping to improve and simplify communication particularly for parents but also for Scouts to track their own progress. Whether you are a new parent or a seasoned veteran of Scouting, we hope you will find this site useful, and as you find things that are not available here, please add them! - it's easy to do once you learn a little about using a "Wiki"

This site is a 'Wiki' website which means not only can you read the pages like a normal website, but if you want to make any updates or even add new sections, it is easy to do from any web-browser. Just use the "Edit" button above - but you'll need the password from Kirk.

In its simplest, once you have editing permission (a password), you can click 'Edit' from the menu bar on top and then just add or change text. When you want to get fancy, each 'edit page' includes simple hints on things like bold, italic, larger font and smaller font. After that the Side Bar to the right of this page has links to everything you need to know to build a page and customize your page or another like it.

Wiki's, like Scouts, rely on volunteers, if you can't find information you wanted, think about how you could contribute something for the next person to benefit from by adding it to the site (once you get the answer).

This site uses PmWiki as the wiki framework, if you are logged in as an editor - the navigation bar to the right should get you to all the information you need to learn how to update this site.

The Official Troop 166 Site is
{ here }.

Page last modified on December 03, 2021, at 02:27 AM